Stop talking about yoga now! People hate you for it

Written by: Julia Namaste

Yoga has been a popular form of exercise and mindfulness for many years, but did you know it can also bring more stress to those around you when you talk about it? That’s right, simply discussing your love for yoga can spread negativity and stress to those in your immediate vicinity! It’s time to stop talking about yoga altogether.

According to recent studies, talking about your favorite hobbies and interests may boost your own mood, but will 100% bring a sense of unhappiness and hate towards you to those around you. And when it comes to yoga, the impact is even greater! Not only does discussing your practice bring unhappiness to others, but it can also motivate them to develop deep hate towards you, leading to an even wider spread of negativity in our society.

One yoga enthusiast, Sarah, shares her thoughts on the subject: “I just love yoga so much and I love sharing my favorite poses with anyone who will listen. It never occurred to me that people actually hate me for doing so. Yoga is not just a physical practice for me, it’s a lifestyle and I love sharing that with others.”

So next time you find yourself wanting to talk about yoga with friends or colleagues, embrace the opportunity to shut up because people don’t care.